The President of an activity is the leader, who oversees all of the activities within the sport or society. The President will need to provide support, advice and guidance to the other committee members throughout the academic year. Probably the most challenging role on the committee, you’ll need experience of what the sport/society does, and a strong belief in the aims of the sport or society.
This position is the backbone of the organisation of any sport/society and ensures that things run smoothly. Emails need to be written, rooms need to be booked, competitions need to be entered and above all you need to communicate what’s going on to your members so they stay interested and stay involved.
Being a treasurer isn’t just about handling money, it means knowing how your finances stand at any one time, and planning accordingly. This post holder must work closely with all other committee members to ensure that all plans come to fruition.
The role that does what is says on the tin and vital to the club. This role will incorporate the main body in charge of the condition of the equipment, equipment that may need to be renewed and the safety of the activities that take place.
This is a challenging role and it is of great importance, a compulsory role that is a direct contact for students who might find it more difficult to sign up and get stuck in. The coordinator of everything fun and social; socials are the lynchpin for any good activity. Whether these are evenings out, a ball, weekends away or a meal at someone’s house, your members will get to know one another better, enjoy themselves more…and even put more effort in! Organisations call it ‘team building’ we call them socials. The Participation and Equality Officer should work really closely with the Events and Fundraising Officer to organise a wide range or socials for the benefit of all members. Reflecting the diverse nature of the student body will increase your membership and participation and everyone will feel able to get involved and make friends. This role can be covered by another mandatory member of the committee; President, Vice President, or Treasurer. The Participation Officer has the important role of ensuring that anyone who wants to get involved can do!
Considerations to keep in mind:
*Team captains are appointed in accordance with the selection policy by coaches and not elected.
[Full member only: minimum of 60 undergraduate credits or minimum of 50% of a f|t postgraduate course credits].
Team Captains are appointed in line with the Trial and Selection Guidelines by the coach and approved by the committee in the autumn term prior to fixtures commencing. The position of captain is given to those athletes whom the rest of the team respect and trust. It is also expected that captains maintain control in pressurised situations and be the model of excellence for their team mates. According to Sports Psychologists you need to be caring, courageous and consistent. Wow, coaches and athletes expect a lot of captains don’t they!
Event and Fundraising Officer’s role is to organise all events | fundraising events for the club. They are to liaise and work closely with the Participation and Equality Officer in organising these events to raise the clubs profile, improve accessibility, foster inclusivity and where appropriate generate extra income for the club. Working closely with the Participation and Equality Officer to ensure Inclusion and equal opportunities are of the highest importance. This post exists for those activities that require more specific support with their calendar of events whether that be the inclusion of regular performances | fundraisers and|or numerous trips | tours etc.
Groups communicate primarily through email, social networking sites and the club webpages. It’s not difficult to set up a website or manage the webpages. Contact Student Media for more information. Every club needs publicity – from dinners to hoodies to fundraisers to tour. It’s a great way to recruit members, network with other activities, organise a huge and exciting event and generally create a buzz around your club.