This webpage provides information in how we can support members who have suffered a suspected concussion, in providing information on how to identify the signs using RFU Headcase Resources, and how to manage the injury safely in order to return to play appropriately. Guidance is also provided in each Team First Aid bag to access immediatly if a head injury/concussion is suspected.
Concussion is a traumatic brain injury resulting in a disturbance of brain function. It affects the way a person thinks, feels and remembers things. Loss of consciousness (being ‘knocked out’) occurs in less than 10% of concussions and is not required to diagnose concussion. However, anyone who loses consciousness because of a head injury has had a concussion. Anyone with suspected concussion should be immediately removed from the field of play and assessed by an appropriate Healthcare Professional or access the NHS by calling 111 within 24 hours of the injury.
The below links provide additional resources to support in the identification of a concussion, and how to