Thu 24 March 2022 11:00-16:00
The Students' Union Reception (Frenchay)
Drop your pre-loved clothing and books to The Students' Union Reception anytime between 09:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday before the event. The more items you bring = more new books and clothes you can take! In honour of Women’s History Month, this book swap will only include books by female authors, so drop your books by female authors that you'd like to swap into Reception before 24th March!
The more books you bring in before the event, the more books you will be able to take on the day.
Drop in anytime between 12:00-14:00 to be shown how to fix your clothes, bring along any clothes that you have that need fixing, we will also have some for you to practice on if you don't have anything to bring. Then on the squares of fabric you will how the option of writing how you want the system to change.
Come along and try some free vegan food, and chat to students about their favourite vegan options and why they choose a vegan diet.
*This event is brought to you by UWE History Society and the student Sustainability Committee as part of their annual campaign week 21st-25th March called Action on Sustainability, see more here.
If you have any questions please email Faith on