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Student Ideas
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Closed Ideas
Fruit drinks for SU meal deals
Urge UWE to declare a climate emergency.
Unlock the upper engagement space doors after 5pm - students need to access the toilets!
Permanent Swap Shop on campus.
Switch the search engines on the PCs to Ecosia as default.
Do mending cafes which educates students on how to mend/repair broken items.
A microwave on Bower Ashton again.
UWE should commit to only stock sustainable period products in dispensers in campus bathrooms
Provide free, borrowable cargo bikes for students living on campus
Hold clothing swap events
Kitchen/Household swap shop -sustainable accommodation shop
More recycling and food waste bins in outside spaces on campus.
A forum for 2+ year student for accommodation or to find people to live with.
The recording of lectures should be a university wide requirement for every single session
More microwaves
Remove £3 minimum at SU Shop
Ensure new UWE Student Hall built to PassivHaus Standard
Hand sanitiser should be offered around campus
Have free cooking sessions every now and again to promote healthy eating
Remove the Students' Union's 21 Day Speakers Policy
There should be a (graphic) manual about how to properly wash your hands in every UWE toilet
To raise more awareness about single use plastic consumption
A Microwave in S block!
Invite the Vice-Chancellor to sit before the Student Council
Make the upstairs of the library at Glenside accessible by wiring up the electric 'push button'
Water fountains to be shown on maps around campus
The Students’ Union to commit to only stocking products containing palm oil that is RSPO certified
Campaign to reduce the additional course costs that students have to pay to complete their degrees
All Academic Personal Tutors should receive mental health awareness training
Increase the quantity and variety of vegan food options sold in all SU shops and bars
The SU to install solar panels on its buildings
The Students' Union to have sanitary product donation points for distribution to women in need
Don't get rid of books from the library!
Commit to reducing the number of leaflets/flyers at Freshers' Fair
To consider the introduction of an elected Women's Officer
Make a commitment to more unisex bathrooms on UWE campuses
The SU should provide "out-of-hours" pastoral care for students
Make Campus Officer Positions More Prominent In The Running of The SU
Restore a bus link between Yate and Frenchay Campus.
Say No To Increased Fees
Condemn the Prevent Agenda
Increase microwave provision across all campuses
All Day Breakfast in The SU Bar
Adopt an 'oat as standard' model, remove the plant milk surcharge on campus.
A Professional Gaming Arena/Room on Frenchay Campus
A Food Fair As A Cultural Celebration and Fund Raising Event
UWE Frenchay Nature Reserve – a student led wildlife and welfare project
Free laundry services for all students at Student Village
Living Green Walls - Addition to UWE Beeline
Refund for Block Zero
Give students living in UWE accomodation rent rebates during lockdown and allow them to leave their
Implement a no-detriment policy due to the third Covid-19 lockdown
To form a disabled student committee.
Replace Starbucks in the canteen with a popular local cafe business- Bristol has so many!
Ban the use of all disposable cups from all venues across campus. Use 'in-house' crockery
Mandatory breaks in lectures
Joint collaboration through Terracycle to allow a better variety of bins to recycle waste at UWE
Decrease 1/3 of the tuition fees during online teaching days
Building academic communities
There should be more support for students buying laptops for university
Swimming Pool at the centre for Sport
African Cuisine Inclusiveness in the One zone Food Menu
Offer a long-term laptop renting service for which you'd pay a security deposit
Alternative milk in the one zone tea/coffee area.
Make Frenchay bus station bee friendly and improve air quality with green-roof bus stops.
Increased percentage of recycled paper within generic A4 printing paper on Frenchay campus
Traders (The Hub) is ridiculously expensive, we should be fed for free.
The cost of food at the Bower Ashton cafe should be lowered
The SU to arrange for onsite blood donation opportunities
Lobby Accommodation Services to provide laundry services for free
Biodegradable and recyclable coffee cups on all campuses
Awaiting Student Council
Plant-Based Universities Campaign for a transition to 60% plant-based catering and pre-packaged food
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24/7 Convenience Store
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Reduced bus tickets between Frenchay Campus and the City Centre
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Plant-Based Universities Campaign for a 100% Plant-Based Transition at UWE
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Reduce prices of onezone to make it more realistic for students
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Reserve the 9.5ha Site Neighbouring Long Mead Rd on Frenchay Campus for Micro-Rewilding, Wellbeing a
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A selection of affordable gluten and dairy free alternatives on campus
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Gender neutral bathrooms
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Install Bidet in all bathrooms.
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More direct communication from the SU around UWE strikes and the universities labour disputes
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The Students' Union should have a Mobile App.
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Stop the sale of beef and lamb from The Students' Union
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Regular Campus Therapy Dog Visits For Student Mental Health
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Bring Chaiiwala on Frenchay Campus.
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The SU bars to use carbon footprint labelling on menu items and lobby UWE to do the same
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A specialised dojo for the sports clubs that require a matted space.
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Student Council
Click below to learn more about the highest decision-making body at the Students' Union, find out who represents you on Student Council and see the documents of its meetings.
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Expired ideas
View Ideas that have lapsed or that have failed in previous years
policies pre-2016
View policies passed under our old democratic system
More food stocked at all the shops on campus
Promote hygiene awareness
Creating a social media group which will be designated to post surveys
UWE Merchandise
Have a salad bar on campus.
Frenchay’s S block needs more hydration stations
Make the Subway Serve Halal Chicken
Add microwaves to X block Atrium Cafe
Get Sleep Pods in the Library
Shelter and Seating for Bus Station
Smoking Area *Renovation*
UWE Skate Space
More individual study areas with ergonomic chairs and adjustable sensory lighting
There should be more courses about how to handle stress in general.
There should be free courses teaching students how to use AutoCad on MacBook as many of us are using
Support, guide and report system for non-functional electricity plugs on campus
Replace all the outdoor general waste bins on campus with mixed recycling bins
A £3 cap on meal deals purchased on campus
Improve the UWE merchandise range and expand
More microwaves around campus.
The Students' Union's food shops and campus restaurant to join 'Too good to Go'
Compensation of tuition fees for strike days
Increase the availability of storage space at Bower for students' ongoing projects.
Extend the opening hours of the School of Engineering
Engineering software on library computers
MyUWE attendance app should show an attendance rate in percentage
Gym membership at Centre for Sport should have monthly payment option
Change the climbing wall at The Centre for Sport
Improve the accessibility and availability of free period products
Change the society AGM structure.
Keep the Bower SU bar open past 5pm to encourage student community and socialisation between courses
To Put Up Blinds in the Windows of the Works
Move to a reusable cup only policy at all Students' Union coffee/catering outlets
Students support university staff strikes
A trolley lending/renting system.
Bring back the +/-10% word count rule
There should be Muslim prayer rooms in every building
UWE should condemn the Qatar State's World Cup
A wider variety of hot meals at Bower Ashton
More vegetarian/vegan food options in The Students' Union's shop
A Gym On Glenside Campus, the aim is to enable easy access and encourage healthy living.
Additional support for finding accommodation.
Create Wellbeing Rooms for Students
Better connections to and from Bower Ashton along with more facilities and greater SU presence. .
A bus service to operate after 7pm from the Glenside campus (Quarry Way).
More support for neurodivergence
Gym and/or recreational space at Bower Ashton or more accessible gym option
PlayStation 4/5 or Xbox Series X consoles.
Campus Accommodations preference to be given to International Students.
Reopen W block as a training centre for Sports Clubs.
Collaborative efforts between SU opportunities and faculties for Academic Societies
Additional prayer spaces.
A regular clothes swap to take place at the Glenside SU!
More study spaces at Bower Ashton
Get UWE Bristol 1/4 zip fleeces made by Y1.
Representation for accreditations.
Multi-cultural pot luck - education and celebration of all the different cultures of students at UWE
Incorporate a programme-specific Carbon-Literacy Course as a compulsory module of teaching.
Investigate changing the default university search engine to something more sustainable
Umbrellas provided to all students.
Encourage people to join the SU bar staff by actually paying them well - At least £12.50 an hour.
Bring your pet in day
Have a bus run to Glenside Campus later in the evening and on Sundays.
Disinfectant spray in all the toilet cubicles. Especially in unisex toilets.
Digital student ID cards that could be added to phone wallet for easy access.
More SU Events at Bower Ashton
Covered Bleachers at Hillside Gardens.
Can we have the freedom to express ourselves in the sports kit.
Create some teracycle locations on all the campuses so we can recycle current non-recyclables.
Recycle coffee grounds using bio-beans saving 80% co2 emissions compared to sending it to landfill.
Replace water bottles in vending machines with refillable bottles.
Glenside Library 24/7.
Increase The Number Of Halls For Year 2+ Students Or Increase Private Accommodation Linked With UWE.
There Should Be A Centre For Music And Sports In Glenside.
Introduce Student Break Rooms Or Student Living Rooms Equally Good As The Staff Kitchens
Update all of the university computers with a search engine called Ecosia
Install medium size Wind Power Generator on Campus to produce sustainable electricity
Change slides size from Standard (4:3) to Widescreen (16:9) for online lectures for better reading
UWE to sign up for a premium "EDU" Grammarly account for students
Soft plastic recycling available on campus
To have an option of being given a token such as plush for graduates of 2020-2021 for making it thro
Expand the greener futures competition with the university.
Store rainwater on University Buildings rooftops in tanks to use elsewhere e.g. student toilets etc.
Provide students with the option to personalise their own clothes or purchase second-hand 'reclaim
Ensuring the UWE-branded merchandise sold in the SU is sourced ethically and made from low-impact, s
Clearer Academic Regulations
More than meal deals in the SU shop
Better communication from the SU President and SU Vice Presidents
More online sessions by the SU President and Vice Presidents
UWE should create a "What's on" button on blackboard to keep students more informed
Bring back the UWE crest hoodie
Green walls/roofs to be put on buildings. All new infrastructure to have green walls in place.
To have internal UWE exams to reflect the national standard we are expected to complete
Music Rooms on Bower Ashton
A Men’s specific mental health group
Invest in solar panels to be used as canopies for the people eating or drinking outside on campus
Student recipe book
Better meal deal deals
There should be a refund of fees to international students
Third year students should get extra percentage on their grades during the Covid-19 pandemic
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, give final year students option to graduate with their current average.
Boycott of Nestle products on campus.
Less Plastic used in the packaging of items in the SU and in the cafe. Use brown bags and paper wrap
More cash points that give £5 around campus
Reduce prices for SU shops
A VR suit for academic use
Multiple healthy options in all vending machines on UWE's campuses.
Make MOVE take £1.50 monthly credit instead of £40 a year
Large physical calendar on the outside of the Students' Union's buildings
Plants inside communal areas.
Permanent displays installed around Frenchay campus in front of sustainable infrastructure.
Change the student ID designs to include the course you're studying or the department, or the Expira
Clear and unambiguous communication of dates and week numbers in degree programmes
Install boiling water taps around student study areas.
Free hot water in onezone!
A summer ball for all years.
A games room with a variety of games
Make it compulsory for all lectures to be filmed
Install boiling water taps around student study areas
The university should place more indoor plants inside the buildings
Incorporate an independent study week into all courses
Bring back the gin festivals at The Students' Union Bar.
Make a monthly student gym membership!
The University should be renamed to The Queen Elizabeth II University.
Installation of a water bottle filler in the ECC
Rename the students union at UWE to the students union at UwU
More options for meal deals in the SU shops
Change the Radio Station in OneZone
IT Services should check if computers have all the programs and are working properly
A microwave wall/station with at least 4 microwaves in one zone
Have the SU at Glenside open on weekends during the day (even if only for a few hours)
Tennis courts on Frenchay campus.
Early opening of a food facility in campus for commuters and early birds.
Use unfilled student accommodation as bookable over-night rooms
Health snack by tills at Glenside's The Hub, SU shop and SU bar
Scrap the parking charge at Glenside
Glenside: Real-time assessment feedback to clarify points made
A dedicated mental health officer to represent people with mental health issues and for advocacy.
All lectures at Glenside to be video captured and streamed through Blackboard
Glenside dissertation conference for all students, regardless of mark
Have a budget supermarket chain on all campuses
Use one of the H block lecture theatres as a cinema out of hours at Glenside
The displays for internet safety to be a regally advertised area of the library
Having the arcade machines permanently positioned in the corner of the library
UWE student lift share app where giving lifts can get you money back from your parking permit...
Make Jeb Bush the honoury President of The SU
Brexit Bash! The Students Union should have a party on 29th March to celebrate the UK leaving the EU
The SU should replace and encourage appreciation to be shown through handstands and not clapping
Replace Starbucks with a student run coffee shop
The SU should publish how much waste is recycled per annum.
Beverages should all be reduced to the discount amount as if a re-usable cup is being used by defaul
Get rid of the £3 minimum spend card payments at the SU bar and the SU shop.
Education of religious and cultural practices being part of health and social care course curricula
Mental Health First Aid being part of all health and social care curricula
The Students' Union should open up a dedicated Student Bar on Gloucester Road to capture non-campus
Ban plastic straws in the student's union shops and bars
Increase tuition fees by £250 and provide UWE students with free bus passes
The SU to condemn Hamas for the deaths of Palestinian protesters in Gaza
The SU to put on a sponsored drinkathon for charity
The Students Union staff should wear the uniform of the British Army circ 1776
The SU to create the position of 'White Officer' to represent white students on campus
The SU to do more drinks deals throughout the week
The SU to host a Eurovision party
The Students' Union to incorporate the Union Flag into its Logo
The Students' Union to celebrate World Toilet Day on 19 November instead of International Men's Day
The Students' Union to operate or lobby the University to operate another bar on Frenchay campus
To lobby the University to put the International College on the front of its prospectuses
Fly the Union Jack Annually on the SU Flagpole on 23rd of June to Celebrate UK's Independence Day
Fly the England flag on St George's Day on the SU flag pole
Change the default setting on all UWE computers to print double-sided
UWE to host a Graduate Ball
Push back the noise curfew in campus accommodation on Fri & Sat nights to 00:30 - 1:00
Rename Mendip to 'Peopledip' to be more gender inclusive
Lobby Library Services to create an exemption for students living outside Bristol when recalling boo
Lobby the university to invest in maintaining and updating their MyUWE App in line with student need
Whole campus Waterfight when the weather is good to raise money for a charitable organisation!
Rename the university to Buwe
The SU to commemorate with a plaque the first ever suspension of an SU President
Set up dedicated voting terminals around campus for the duration of the March elections
Fly the flags of the Home Nations on the respective patron saint days.
Ban Hub radio from playing "MANS NOT HOT" by Big Shaq
Drill for shale gas reserves under Frenchay and use profits to subsidise SU pints
Lobby the University to update the computers used in bookable rooms in X-Block
Lobby for an on campus tailor
Hire 'Reviewbrah' (TheReportOfTheWeek) to do a video review of the food in the SU
Put an interactive graph on the SU website displaying the upward trend of the Vice-Chancellors pay
Make study pods on 5th floor of Library bookable.
Allow Varsity Rugby to go ahead
The SU should invest surplus capital in cryptocurrencies
An advertising tab or side bar on the UWE Bristol homepage/log in page for student use
The Students' Union to install a dance mat
For UWE to have a Winter (Christmas) Ball
The SU to renew the BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanction) motion that bans the sale of Israeli Products
The Students' Union should introduce recyclable and reusable polyethylene bags in the SU shops
Play comprehensive coverage of the Ashes Series in the SU bar
Bring the credit crunch meals back
More social sport at UWE
Move the SU 'Lock In' back to Tuesdays
Formally rename Carrol Court to Council Court
The SU should fly the flag of Israel from the 12th to the 20th of December to commemorate Hanukkah
Increase personal storage and the speed of the H (network) drive or provide free USB sticks as an al
The part-time Socs and Comms Officer to become Student Media Officer
Swimming Pool for Frenchay Campus
Normal hours for Traders and the Glenside SU shop and bar across Easter and Summer
The SU should commit to using Triodos bank, an ethical bank that does not invest in fossil fuels.
In this section
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Liberation Campaigns
National Union of Students (NUS) Conferences
Student Ideas
Closed Ideas
The Green Team