Check out our resources page to find out more about climate action and how you can make change.
The below resources include useful websites and organisations as well as podcasts and film recommendations.
Do you know of a great resource you think should be on here? Get in touch on social media or email
Future Economy Network
One of the largest green business networks in the UK. Offers discount for students at their events!
Bristol Green Capital Partnership
A unique partnership of over 900+ member organisations who have committed to working towards Bristol becoming a sustainable city with a high-quality of life for all. The partnership hosts monthly Green Mingles to meet others interested in sustainability.
Bristol Climate Hub
Sustainability network established by Bristol Ciy Council, focusing on actiosns taken by individuals, businesses and communities.
Sparks Bristol
Sustainable department store with both paid and volunteering opportunities in areas such as retail, events and product repair.
One Tree Per Child
Helping to plant and maintain trees in green spaces across Bristol.
Training and tools provided, no past experience needed.
FairShare South West
Fighting food waste and hunger across Bristol through providing good-quality, surplus donated food to vulnerable people.
No past experience needed.
Litter Picking
Join your local litter-picking group!
Litter-picking kits provided.
Avon Gleaning Network
Harvesting surplus fruit and vegetables from farms to then redistribute to food banks and other community projects.
Bristol Avon Rivers Trust
Working to restore river health across the South West by monitoring river pollution and biodiversity.
The Change for Change fund is an opportunity for you to receive free funding of up to £500 to turn your brilliant ideas into reality. The fund is open to anyone who has the desire to create social, economic and/or environmental change here on campus or in Bristol’s community. Please email all applications to . We advise that you submit your Change for Change application at least a month in advance of the activity/campaign/intervention/event taking place to allow time for application review and alterations.
Funding Criteria
Change for Change Application Form
Change for Change Example Application Form
Find our campaign guide for students here.
This section provides information about climate strikes and direct action you can get involved with.
This group is a branch of Extinction Rebellion specifically for under 30s. They hold fortnightly meetings and they have more information about this here. You can also find out more about Extinction Rebellion here.
This is an international movement, begun by Greta Thunberg to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. They have created this Digital Toolkit about striking online.
Youth movement organising for climate justice and a Green New Deal in the UK. You can find their website here and they have an active Bristol branch you can join.
Local branch of the Friends of the Earth, a national climate change pressure group. Their website is here.
Good on You - fashion brand rating
Fashion Revolution - movement working for an ethical and sustainable industry
Labour Behind the Label - a campaign for garments workers' rights
shops guide Bristol vintage/second-hand
Ethical shopping guide
Remake blog- sustainable fashions' race problem
Dopple - clothes swapping app for students
The True Cost
Sustainable Student Cookbook - A cookbook containing sustainable recipes, created by UWE students.
Soil Association - the UK's leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use.
Eat the Seasons - learn what's in season
How to eat seasonally - a guide from Hubbub
Food Carbon Footprint - understand how carbon and food are linked
Bristol Going for Gold - joining together individuals, organisations and policymakers behind a shared ambition of making Bristol a Gold Sustainable Food City by the end of 2020.
Reducetarian - information about eat fewer animal products
tips for eating more sustainably - WWF
Responsible Palm Oil guide - The Student's Union at UWE
Budget vegan recipes
Love Food Hate Waste - campaign
Too Good to Go - food sharing app
Olio - food sharing app
Zero waste stores (see bottom of page)
Black Lives Matter resources - The Students' Union
Sustainability and Intersectionality resource hub - Students Organising for Sustainability
Why Every Environmentalist Should Be Anti-Racist - blog
Why Environmental Justice Means Racial Justice - Greenhouse PR blog
Resource pack created by Bristol Black Seeds Network and Creative Connex. They have put together a comprehensive reading list and information about environmentalists of colour in Bristol and beyond. You can download a PDF of their resources here.
Environmental Justice book list
The Challenge of Diversity in the Environmental Movement - Dorceta Taylor on Resource Radio
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) Liberating Sustainability podcast
This is a selection of general resources for sustainable living and finding out more!
Hubbub - for inspiration and practical actions
Eco-Age - blogs and news on sustainability issues
WWF Footprint Calculator - calculate your carbon footprint
Sustainable Living Guide - A UWE Sustainability Committee initiative that aims to offer tips and ideas on how you can live more consciously and sustainably in your new community.
How to Save the World for Free- Natalie Fee
The Sustainable-ish Living Guide - Jen Gale
How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything - Mike Berners-Lee
Adventures in the Anthropocene: A Journey to the Heart of the Planet we Made - Gaia Vince
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate - Naomi Klein
2040: A Handbook for the Regeneration - Damon Gameau
Resource Radio
Costing the Earth
List of environmental podcasts - Greenhouse PR
Better by Bike - cycling information in the West of England
Travelwest - journey planning in the West of England
Bristol Bike project - for affordable, refurbished bikes
bike loan scheme - The Students' Union at UWE
buses in Bristol - Information
Trainhugger - plants trees when you book a train ticket
City to Sea - Bristol-based charity campaigning against plastic pollution
Freecycle - a grassroots and entirely non-profit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their neighbourhoods
Ellen MacArthur Foundation - information on the circular economy
Students On The Move - Bristol Waste's advice on how to get rid of any unwanted items (no matter the size or condition).
Women's Environmental Network Environmenstrual campaign
The Student's Union at UWE's sustainable period product blog
The Students' Union at UWE zero waste shop
Zero Green
Wild Oats