To help with your move, we’ve compiled your ultimate University packing list so you can be all set to live it up at UWE Bristol!
It can be difficult to decide what to bring, but we have provided you with a packing list so you can be all set to live it up at UWE Bristol:
Room personalisations
It's important to ensure the space you’re living in fills you with joy. Whether it’s polaroids of family and friends, plants, posters or fairy lights, whatever makes your space content for you, grab a nik nak or ten.
These are always a good shout for University life. Flat floors are never the cleanest – plus, it’s an extra item of cosiness for those early mornings.
Balance is key when working out what clothing to bring to University. Ensure you’ve got a mix of professional outfits for any job interviews or meetings with lecturers, some dressier outfits for those nights out and a lot of comfy clothing for those stay-at-home days.
Staying inside means your bed is your haven – so make it so. Colourful duvets that bring you joy, comfy pillows, and many cushions are key.
It’s important to keep clothes clean, so bring lots of washing detergent, coat hangers, a washing basket, and a clothes horse, and you’ll get yourself into healthy washing habits in no time.
Chargers are essential in the 21st century, a dead phone battery can be equated to the worst nightmare.
You may choose to study at home rather than in the library, so noise-cancelling headphones, or standard headphones of any kind, will help when trying to block out noisy flatmates, getting some peace, crack on with studying, and, yes, listen to whale music. Standard.
It can be a good idea to keep your utensils, cutlery and plates separate from your flatmates’ for cleanliness. Often, students share random utensils such as pizza cutters, chopping boards, tea towels and oven gloves, but if you have any lying around at home or can afford to purchase them, now might be a good time to get your own, hands-off-my-spatula utensils.
It’s essential to keep ourselves entertained, bring along fun items like speakers, your Netflix password, and any other items to carry out your hobbies so you can have a cracking time inside.
These formalities are good to keep in your room for when signing up for a doctor’s surgery and other important services.
You literally won’t be able to carry out your degree without your reading list and some form of internet connection – keeping on track of assignments with a diary is a good call.
These are always easy student staples – plus, they’re handy in case isolation becomes a thing. Cooking oil, eggs, margarine, pasta, and pot noodles – the staple student diet.
This is one thing that students often overlook (who wants to clean when there’s more fun to be had?) but bringing plenty of anti-bacterial wipes and spray, bleach, Cif products, washing up liquid and more will get you in the habit of wiping down surfaces daily and keeping pesky germs away.
More time outside, walking, than traveling on public transport is both environment and health-friendly - but remember, UK weather doesn’t always come through on the sunshine front. Prep for all weathers by bringing a trusty umbrella.
These are great for boosting your immune system.
Blister plasters, paracetamol, and any other items that are important to you.
Whether it’s investing in a bamboo toothbrush, a shampoo bar or reusable make-up wipes, it’s time to wake up in 2024 and think sustainable-first. Check out our zero waste section of The Students’ Union Shop at Frenchay Campus to restock once you move in.
A lot of extra time to chill in your room means, most likely, a lot of electrical items to keep you occupied.
When it’s preferable to stay in than go out, board and card games are the new cool for student nights in with your flat. Entertainment for all, they’re easy ones to break the ice when you’re getting to know each other.
As you’ll be spending a lot of time in your flat, you want it to be clutter-free, because, as they say, a tidy room equals a tidy mind. Cleverly storing your life possessions means your room will feel like the tranquil haven you want it to be.
If past regular occurrences of freak UK heatwaves are anything to go by, investing in a fan for your room might be a good call.
Exercising inside is the new ‘going to the gym’. Bringing any fitness gear that’s easy to use in your uni room is a welcome addition to your packing list.
Want to know more about how you can be prepared for starting at UWE Bristol? Check out our Welcome content here!
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