Jane Ojiako
My first month as The Students' Union VP Education has come to an end! It's been a busy month and I'm delighted to share an update of what I have been up to!
Hand over week
The last week of June involved learning about the values, roles and responsibilities of each different department at The Students’ Union Most importantly, how each of the department especially the Representation Team could support me in representing student’s voices and academic interests.
South West Regional Sabbatical Officers Training
The team and I travelled to Exeter for the South West Regional Sabbatical Officers Training and induction event. It was an exciting experience to meet other elected sabbatical officers from different universities in the south west. Interestingly, I had some similar manifesto points with other sabbatical officers. We discussed possible ways of collaborating together to create some exciting plans for the year ahead.
President Away Day
The team and I had our away day at the amazing Tortworth Court. This was a good bonding time between the presidents (including myself) and the different managers at The Students’ Union. We had the opportunity to highlight all of our individual top five strengths and how we can make use of our strengths to work effectively as a team. Also, we elaborated on our individual manifestos and potential campaigns we intend to run in the coming year.
In the last two weeks of July, I had the honour and privilege to seat alongside the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, and academics and Deans of different faculties at graduation. Overall, it has been an amazing first month representing the 30,000 students here at UWE Bristol.
Remember, I am here to represent the UWE Bristol student community, free feel to pop into The Students’ Union on Frenchay Campus to see me or you can contact me via vpeducation@uwe.ac.uk.
You can also catch me on Facebook and Twitter.