Your delegation to NUS conference reports back on the policy discussions, including a speech by your VP Community & Welfare, Fayaz Abdul Kareem.
The Students' Union at UWE is a member of the National Union of Students, the national organisation representing students across the UK in campaigns and to politicians. Our membership entitles us to send a group of delegates to NUS' National and Liberation conferences, which were held in Blackpool from 15-18 April this year. Around 700 delegates from across the UK came together to discuss what position NUS should take on a number of different issues, including the 'Campaign for International Student Equality', co-authored by VP Community and Welfare, Fayaz Abdul Kareem. We're very proud that this policy has passed and is now a campaign priority for NUS!
Our delegates travelled with students from other Students Unions in Bristol and Bath, including Bristol SU's ELA Officer, Saranya Thambirajah, who has been elected as the VP Liberation of NUS for 2024-26! We contributed to all stages of the policy discussion, from introducing our policy on stage with other officers, to contributing in roundtable discussions with delegates from across the UK, and speaking in the final plenary debate at the end of conference. Thanks to our delegates for doing their best to represent UWE students, and watch this space for a full report in due course.
You can watch the introductory speech by Fayaz, Dhruv, and Vanessa below: