University is a time to see you come out your shell. Heck, you’re even leaving your shell behind, and you’re entering an unknown habitat. But as Freshers, you’re all in this together, and there are so many ways that you can bond with your flatmates, quicker than you can say, “We forgot to do the washing up!”. Here are ten simple ways to bond quickly with your new flatmates.
University is a time to see you come out your shell. Heck, you’re even leaving your shell behind, and you’re entering an unknown habitat. But as Freshers, you’re all in this together, and there are so many ways that you can bond with your flatmates, quicker than you can say, “We forgot to do the washing up!”. Here are ten simple ways to bond quickly with your new flatmates:
When you think of turning up early to something, it might fill you with dread. The first one in the seminar room to have the awkward small talk with your lecturer. The first to a party. However, the first to move in to your flat isn’t to dread, because it means you’re able to welcome everyone, instead of being the last to settle in. If you’re welcoming others, it’ll be a smoother, more pleasant experience, and you can show your new flatmates exactly where everything is, which is a brilliant conversation starter.
Is there anything in life that isn’t better with a coffee or tea? Sharing a cup of Joe with a new pal starts the very foundations of a fruitful friendship, and it’s a chance for you both to sit down, take some time to focus on getting to know one another, and do nothing else.
Whether it’s a ‘get to know us’ quiz, a hilarious karaoke night in, or your favourite takeaway, all agreeing to be in the same space at the same time with the sole purpose of getting to know each other will allow you to do just that.
There’s nothing that will bond you more than a high-pressure, Gordon Ramsey-style flat cook-a-long meal. But rather than screaming at each other half an hour in - you’re too polite for that - you’ll be laughing at your mishaps. If you want to cook-a-long with us, make sure you come to our virtual cook-a-long on Wednesday 7 October!
Do this! Getting deep on the behavioural psychology front, here, it screams openness and friendliness. There’s nothing like saying you’re looking for friendship than shoving a doorstop under your door. Chat to your flatmates when they pass by in the hallway; invite them into your room for a chat.
Films bring people together: it’s a well-known fact. Whether it’s cowering under a blanket together when attempting a horror, or cringing in unison over a rom-com, it will undoubtedly bond you. And if it’s weekly, you’ll be best pals in no time.
Get out and about! You’re all experiencing a new city for the first time, so explore it together! Find your collective favourite haunts, wander the harbour, and work out how exactly to get back to UWE Bristol from the city centre. You can do this.
We all like an excuse for a celebration. With there being multiple of you under the same roof, that’s, statistically, a good few extra celebrations a year. Learn all your birthdays, commit them to memory (or at least to your Facebook birthday reminders) and celebrate them when they come around! That’s friendship, right there.
Your flat-warming will be right at the beginning of term, when you first move in together. It’s a real chance to celebrate the fact that you’re strangers, but that you’re soon going to be the best of friends. Then, come December, you can have a right old reminisce at how far you’ve all come, festive-style.
When we move to University, we spend so much time thinking about what our rooms are going to look like, that we often forget to make the kitchen and communal spaces feel homely, too. This is a great task you can all do together! Choose the vibe of your décor, grab some fairy lights or bunting, and make the place feel like yours – collectively.
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