Find out who won The Leadership Race and will be your next Presidents and Officer team.
The Leadership Race 2023
Total Voters = 6240
Your incoming Presidents team, who will start their roles at the end of June, are...
President = Kolawole Samuel Olure
Vice President Education = Sabiha Khan
Vice President Community and Welfare = Fayaz Abdul Kareem
Vice President Societies and Communication = Bethel Ekaette
Vice President Sports and Health = Krishna Singh
Your Part Time Officers are..
City Campus Officer = Aengus Miralto-Desmond
Democratic Procedutres Officer = Chirath Dharmasena
Disabled Students' Officer = Megan Griffiths
Glenside Campus Officer = Tobias Haywood (no picture available)
Men's Welfare Officer = Kanishka Visuddika WGK (no picture available)
Sustainability Officer = Chela Rossi
Women's Welfare Officer = Nupur Singh (no picture available)
Find out what VP Education, Khadiza Hossain, and the Representation team have been up to in Term 1!
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