BME students are under-represented and the Students' Union is not inclusive.
The Students' Union is run by white people and the majority of elected officers are white.
This idea is to mandate and authorise the Students' Union President to work on bringing justice and equality to all BME students and to get more BME students and staff involved in the Students' Union.
The Students' Union President is mandated to do the following:
1- Amending the definition of BME to include and be limited to African, Asian, Arab, East European and Caribbean heritages.
2- Getting more BME representation in the Students' Union including full-time elected officers, student staff and staff members (according to the suggested definition and not the current one)
3- Allocating a certain budget to be agreed upon by the trustees to hire a consultancy to re-structure the Students' Union to be more inclusive and diverse
4- Forming a BME committee made of BME students and BME staff members to work on BME-related issues and be consulted on everything that concerns BME students such as Black History Month
5- Allocating a certain budget for Black History Month to cover a variety of events to represent properly the Black History in Britain
6- Hiring a full-time staff member who is self-defined as a BME (according to the suggested definition) to handle all the BME-related issues and coordinate with the BME committee to make sure that BME representation is on the right track
7- To embed this idea within the strategy of the Students' Union and to be flagged as a high priority for the Students' Union
8- The Democratic Procedures Committee should be formed of at least 50% BME students according to the suggested definition
9- To amend the constitution and include the BME Committee in the constitution
This idea should be enforced within a month after being successfully voted and the Students' Union President should be held accountable before the BME Committee and DPC should be overseeing the democratic procedures of its enforcement