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Extra Information: 

UWE has recently been in round table talks with Triodos, a bank with local offices in Bristol that not only refuses to invest in fossil fuels, but actively invests in positive environmental, social or cultural impact projects.


Adopting a bank like Triodos for union finances could be a great step forward to ‘embed sustainability in all we do’, as is highlighted in the Students Union's strategic mission. 

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 12th April 2017 and closed for voting on 3rd May 2017.
  • This Idea has conditionally passed. Work will start on this Idea unless it is vetoed by 50%+1 of the Student Council Meeting. 

  • This Idea was vetoed at the Student Council Meeting and has failed. 

  • April 2021: following conversations with the previous Sustainability Officer this idea will not happen as there is not enough evidence that Triodos has the correct grading for UWE or The SU to feel comfortable using. Instead the University and The SU put out an update outlining what they are doing around divestment and ethical banking on their respective websites.


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