• Accessibility

Extra Information: Forming this committee can help focus on inclusivity, give support and share ideas about how to improve the lives of students with hidden disabilities.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 11 January 2021 and closed for voting on 4 February 2021.
  • This Idea scored a 3rd which means it's not a priority for the time being.

  • This idea has passed through Student Council and will go to the Trustee Board to be scrutinised.

  • This Idea is now Students’ Union policy and has been sent to The Executive for work to begin.

  • January 2022: The Student Union's Disabled Students' Officer has been working on this and is currently trying to get names together. If you are interested, please email suelections@uwe.ac.uk


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"Honest Opinion" has a legal meaning in defamation which requires evidence – please use facts to support your argument if you can.

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