• Accessibility


Vote Breakdown: 

Strongly Agree: 6

Agree: 1

Neutral: 0   

Disagree: 0 

Strongly Disagree: 0

Extra Information: Terracycle is an organisation that collects current non-recyclables at kerb side and recycle them for free. The cost is taken up by other organisations such as carex and cathedral city. However they need organisations like Universities to create these collection points, UWE could set up a few of these locations across all of the campuses so students and the wider community can recycle items that we currently can't recycle at home.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 1 December 2021 and closed for voting on 10 January 2022.
  • This Idea has failed and will not progress. It can be resubmitted next academic year.


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