• Accessibility


Vote Breakdown: 

Strongly Agree: 12

Agree: 2

Neutral: 0   

Disagree: 0 

Strongly Disagree: 0

Extra Information: For freshers who are based in the city travelling to Frenchay is more difficult and meeting and making friends who are closer would be a lot more helpful. this could be achieved by having fresher events or socials held near Bower Ashton. At the start of the year, it would also be helpful for fresher fair clubs and societies to involve city based students a little bit more. Could have been made a bit clearer that it was only being hosted at Frenchay.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 1 December 2021 and closed for voting on 10 January 2022.
  • This Idea will not be taken forward at this time. It can be resubmitted in 3 months’ time.


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