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Extra Information: The global food system has a hugely negative impact on the environment and creates around 25–30% of total greenhouse gas emissions (Mbow and Rosenzweig, 2019).

The climate crisis is the problem of our generation, and eating more low carbon food is one of the best ways we can reduce our impact on the planet.

Carbon labelling (i.e. putting the carbon footprint information on menus) has recently become a fast-growing area of interest because of it being successful in resulting in people choosing more environmentally friendly options, and reducing up to 32% of their climate footprint (Edenbrandta, Lagerkvista and Nordströmbcd, 2021). The carbon footprint includes how far the ingredients travelled, whether it is seasonal, and what emissions were created for it to be produced. Very recently The Canteen, a café in Bristol, added carbon labelling to their menus. Mr Stocks, the Canteen manager, said "it's a really positive thing to get consumers - and us - thinking about where our food comes from" and that he has "never done anything that has gotten as much interest as this project."

We suggest following suit to help UWE students make more environmentally conscious choices.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 15 Septrember 2022 and closed for voting on 13 October 2022.
  • October 2022: This Idea was passed through the Executive and will be discussed at Student Council. 
  • December 2022: This Idea has passed. The Students' Union will begin work on making this Idea a reality as soon as possible.


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