At UWE Bristol and The Students' Union we take a harm reduction approach when it comes to drugs including alcohol, to ensure students have the tools and information they need to make an informed decision, this means we naje every effort to support students to reduce the risks associated with these behaviours and prioritise student welfare above all else.

Drugs Meter offers personalised anonymous feedback on your current drug use

Drugs & Me - Their AI chat bot service is brand new and changing the way people can access information abour illicit drug use.

Drug Science - A deep dive into drugs awareness

Release - Drugs, the law and your rights

Bristol Drugs Project - Your local drugs agency

Friday/Monday - Information about drugs and sex for gay and bi men

Drink Coach -
Drinkaware - Freshers' week survival guide
Drinkaware - Drinking Check
Mouseparty - An interactive animation to show how different drugs interact with the brains neurotransmitters