The Student Experience Awards celebrate outstanding contributions to life at UWE Bristol. These awards honour students and staff who excel in improving learning and teaching, community involvement, wellbeing, and more. Every nominee is recognised for their dedication, passion, and hard work in enhancing the student experience. Join us in applauding their efforts to make UWE Bristol a fantastic place to learn and grow.
Relive the highlights from last year's awards (2023/24) here:
Dates for your diary: Friday 17 January: The full list of awards for this year and their associated criteria will be available on this page. Thursday 30 January: Nominations go live! Thursday 13 March: Nominations close. February (date TBC): Ticket sales go live. Tuesday 6 May: Student Experience Awards night at The Mount Without (click here for full details). SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS: The full list of 2025 Awards and nominations criteria can be viewed below. Click on the award title to read the criteria. Alternatively, you can download a PDF version of the list here.
Overview: This award is for a Lead School Rep who has excelled in their role. A great leader with a clear vision, this student will have supported and inspired others, paving the way for positive changes. The winner of this award will have good networking and communication skills, the ability to balance the interests of all stakeholders and real dedication to representing the student voice at School-level. Eligibility: Lead School Reps only (all Schools). Nominees could include: LSRs who have implemented impactful sustainability/EDI projects, innovative feedback mechanisms or creative collaborations.
Overview: This award is for a Student Rep who is dedicated to representing their fellow students and who goes above and beyond to do so. Committed to finding innovative and sustainable solutions, this student will have engaged with relevant meetings and maintained contact with their peers, academic staff and The Students’ Union. The winner of this award will have made significant contributions to implementing impactful changes in a positive and professional manner. Eligibility: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Reps. Nominees could include: Student Reps who are visible and well-known on their course, those who have built strong partnerships between staff and students, or have raised feedback which has led to positive, impactful results.
Overview: This award celebrates a student who has championed inclusivity and equal opportunities for all. A dedicated advocate for equality, diversity, and inclusivity, this student will have raised awareness and fostered a sense of belonging by helping others to understand and celebrate our unique differences. The winner of this award will also demonstrate a strong commitment to the wellbeing of their peers, going above and beyond to push for positive change and ensure that everyone is represented and included at UWE Bristol. Eligibility: All students. Nominees could include: Those who have challenged perceptions, pushed for diversity, spoken up for minoritised groups or brought valuable parts of themselves and/or their culture to the student experience.
Overview: This award celebrates a student who has made a significant sustainable impact at UWE Bristol. Whether it’s by tackling the climate emergency or promoting social justice campaigns in their community, they have paved the way for long-lasting change. A green leader who is full of eco-friendly ideas, this student isn’t afraid to tackle the big issues and has inspired others to make a difference – either through ongoing initiatives or impactful one-off events. The winner of this award will likely have actively worked to promote the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – directly or indirectly – generating awareness and action within the student community. Eligibility: All students. Nominees could include: Green Team members, super-engaged Reps, activists, boundary-pushers, eco innovators and any student who has been actively involved in helping UWE Bristol or The Students’ Union to achieve their sustainability goals.
Overview: This award celebrates a student who has gone above and beyond the expectations of their role and used their own initiative to make an outstanding contribution to their student community. Passionate about bringing people together and helping others to feel at home on campus, this student will have had a positive impact on their peers, either across the academic year or through a one-off event or activity. The winner of this award will be a supportive, empowering individual who has created safe and welcoming communities to help students to thrive. Eligibility: All students. Nominations could include: Students who are part of a recognised group, student staff members, community assistants and student trustees, as well as students who are not connected to The Students’ Union.
Overview: This award is for a student who has succeeded in their academic studies in the face of personal challenges. Embodying strength, resilience and perseverance, this student has overcome adversities and yet shown dedication to achieving on their Programme. The winner of this award will be a true inspiration to others and a clear example that anything is possible. Eligibility: All students. Nominees could include: International students, mature students, disabled students, student parents, student carers, those in receipt of support from UWE Cares, as well as any other student that The Vice Chancellor feels is an example of what success through hard work and determination can look like.
Overview: This award is for lecturers who consistently produce outstanding teaching and learning experiences. They will fully embrace the latest technology and teaching methods to make their lectures immersive and interesting. They will be inventive and original in their style of teaching to enhance learning and teaching. The winner of this award will have used their skills, knowledge and creativity to become a truly inspirational teacher. Eligibility: Teaching staff only.
Overview: This award celebrates a team of both students and staff who have worked together to deliver a campaign, project, activity or initiative that has had a positive impact on the student experience. They will have worked collaboratively and utilised the diverse perspectives and knowledge that a student and staff partnership can provide. Eligibility: Groups/teams, faculties or cross-institutional groups and networks that feature student-staff collaboration. Nominees could include: Established student/staff groups such as committees or steering groups or individuals who have come together to co-create initiatives.
Please direct any queries about The Student Experience Awards and/or nominations process to: